Hi, I’m Crystal.

I’m a photographer and visual storyteller based in the north woods of Wisconsin. Endlessly inspired by nature & nuance, my work aims to tell stories of people, places, and ideas through an imaginative and evocative lens.

Welcome — I hope you’ll stay a while.

Sharing your story is personal business, and you should feel confident in who you entrust to help you tell it. As your trusted creative partner, my approach is always one that honors your individuality, with the understanding that your journey is uniquely your own, has impact, and means something.

Creating imagery with purpose and that resonates is where I promise to deliver.

Why Plum Creative Co?

Inspired by the Japanese plum tree — its flowering a deeply appreciated signaling of spring in Japan — Plum Creative Co signifies life blooming - even in the face of adversity; perseverance; and hope. These ideas are at the heart of what I do and are often also deeply intertwined with the individuals, brands, and creatives with whom I work and within the message they live to share.

You can also find me elsewhere. . .

blueberry plum - Living, cooking & creating in the wilds of Wisconsin

crystal alma fine art photography